Strategi Bisnis Dan Orientasi Kewirausahaan Pasar Terhadap Kreativitas UMKM Di Surabaya
Concept of Industrialization, Structural Transformation, Economic GrowthAbstract
Business strategy is very important in running a business. Increasingly fierce and diverse competition means that entrepreneurs must pay more attention to their business strategies. This is because the business can continue and develop amidst intense competition. According to Pedersen and Ritter (2020), strategy is a plan before it is carried out and followed up through practical activities. Strategy is a unique special preparation activity that differentiates the owner's business strategy from competitors in order to optimize competitiveness. Strategy is a project, meaning it provides solutions for the future and potential users. Strategy is defined as a pattern and shows company activities that can be explained through patterns that emerge from activities that have been planned and carried out previously. Strategy as a position means that entrepreneurs can use all the resources they have, both physical and scientific, to provide unique products to find a market that aims to be superior to competitors. Finally, the strategic perspective refers to the organizational culture of business people to view themselves and their environment as a strategy.
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