Strategi dalam Menangani Pembiayaan Bermasalah Pada PT Bank Sumut Cabang Syariah Rantau Prapat
banking, sharia banking, capitalAbstract
Banking is a financial institution that plays an important role in a country’s economy. One of the current economic developments in Indonesia is the emergence of sharia-based financial institution, one of which is sharia banking. Like the function of banking itself, namely as an intermediary between people who need capital and people who have excess capital. One of sharia banking services is financing, namely the distribution of money by banks to costumers who need working capital. The bank provides capital to customers as business capital whose business result are calculated from the results according to the agreement. But in reality, it is not uncommon for customers to fail to pay for this financing. One of the reasons for the cessation of funding itself is the possibility of worsening business conditions. To minimize the risk of bad financing itself, banks must be able to make clear rules. In this article, Bank SUMUT Syariah Karya Rantau Prapat discusses various strategies for dealing with bad financing.
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